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The Indianapolis Pinball Championship Series (ICS) is a recurring seasonal tournament series with the intent to crown an Indianapolis-area pinball champion at each season’s culmination. Each league season will be IFPA-sanctioned, as well as having an associated ICS seasonal point total that aggregates through the course of the ICS yearly season. The calendar will run year-round, broken up into 8-week league seasons with breaks between. An ensuing small finals tournament will follow each league season, open to the league's top finishers. Season finals winners will be given a plaque for their accomplishment-- additionally, overall point totals will be tracked across the season, and the player with the most points at season’s end will be crowned the ICS Champion and given a special ICS trophy.


Points are accrued at weekly events, and as it is expected that not every participant will be able to attend every event every week of the league season, the 6 best weeks (of 8 total weeks) will be counted in each player’s standings at each league season end.

Players will play in groups of 4 (fewer as needed based on attendance) for 5 games each night, and will be awarded points in a 7/5/3/1 scoring breakdown-- a first place finish on a game will net you 7 points, a second 5 points, and so on. The maximum score a player can achieve in a week is thus 35 points. Anyone scoring a perfect week will be featured on the ICS page. 

The first half of each season, the groupings will be random so as to foster connections between all players. After the fourth week, standings for each night will be seeded based on performance for each week, so as to even the playing field between contestants while also providing some fluidity in matchups. Dates, times, and weekly games to be played are entered into Matchplay before the season begins, and can be found at the link at the bottom of the page.


The league will meet on Tuesdays at Tappers Arcade Bar, starting at 6:30p SHARP. Nights will include 5 games, with the intended finish time around 9p. There is zero additional cost to play in the ICS league, just grab your favorite beverage at the bar on your way in and bring quarters for the machines!

In the event that you will miss a Tuesday, players have the opportunity to come in on any Monday and pre-play games. These pre-play scores will be used for the week that the player misses, so that their group can carry on as if normal. If you do not show and do not have pre-play scores entered, you will receive a zero on the week-- there is NO makeup opportunity for missing a league night, hence the two dropped weeks.

All Tuesday league meets are entered into matchplay!


© 2024 Joe Bayer, for benefit of the Indianapolis Pinball Community

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